Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Rudy update

Rudy received a steroid shot when we visited the Vet on Monday. The Vet said it would give him some relief. He sent me home with the a/d food and a big syringe. We made Rudy comfortable on his favorite bed and spent a sleepless night with lots of tears. Tuesday morning we discovered he had gotten up during the night and moved out to the big dog bed in the living room. I prepared his food and loaded the syringe. When I sat down beside him, he raised his head, stuck his nose in the bowl, and scarfed it up! I emptied the syringe into the bowl and got the rest of the can. He scarfed that up too plus a few slices of turkey! After 2 weeks of hardly eating ( which led to force feeding baby food) Rudy ate, on his own and with GUSTO!! Wow, Dr. Harbin wasn't kidding - he does feel better. He ate two more meals of soft dog food and some turkey. He is now walking slowly around the house and yard. This morning, he came into the kitchen and did a slower version of his "happy dance" for breakfast. Why I am sure this is short lived, it did my heart good to see it. Rick has an appointment with Dr. Harbin to discuss options for Rudy on Thursday.


penni said...

Knowing that Rudy is comfortable must be such a huge relief. Still thinking good thoughts for him . . .

Debra said...

I am happy that the shot helps him feel better. Duke always starts feeling better whenever he gets drugged up.

Sarah said...

I am so thankful for steroids that made Graycie happy and comfortable for the last part of her life. They really do make all the difference for some dogs. Hugs to Rudy, I'm glad he is eating and feeling good today!

Holly said...

Hugs to Rudy. Very glad that the steroids are working. Praying they continue.

RevCindi said...

Glad to hear the steroids are giving Rudy some relief. Gentle hugs for Rudy.