Saturday, October 24, 2009

Puppy Party!

The puppies will be 8 weeks old this Wednesday. Anyone interested in coming to a Halloween Puppy Party on Saturday? I would love to get some fresh eyes and hands on this litter. Costumes will be optional!


RegentCardis said...

Oh yes. Me me! What time? Can I bring anything?

penni said...

I wish you weren't so far away -- I'd love it. Have a lot of fun!

Kaye said...

I honestly would consider doing the drive, but have to work :(

Dawn said...

OH how fun would that be! Wish I lived closer.

Jeri said...

Maybe Heidi and I can go up together. What time are you thinking? I would need to be back probably by mid-afternoon.

Traci said...

I wish I could come... *cry* make sure to take LOTS of pictures!!!

Debra said...

My family is coming over to start the Halloween party early. I wish we could come.

dreameyce said...

I can't come, but can't wait to see pics! Have fun ya'll, and tell blog-land all about it!