Thursday, March 11, 2010

Need your healing thoughts

On Friday night our sweet Jill started throwing up. She has a slighty touchy stomach, so we were not to concerned. On Saturday she ate her breakfast as normal. She threw that up an hour later. She was still drinking water and going potty, so we chalked it up to her eating some kind of varmit in the yard. Sunday was much the same. Then she stopped eating all together. She was still drinking water so I prepared some chicken and rice for her evening meal. She refused to eat. She stopped drinking water on Monday night. So off to the Vet early Tuesday. Jill stayed at the vet all day for IV fluids, bloodwork, X-rays, etc. Her bloodwork was perfect and there was no visable obstruction on her X-rays. The Vet left her IV port in and sent her home with us last night. She pooped and peed last night and this morning, but still refused to eat or drink anything. I gave her meds and she stated vomiting again. So, off to the Vet again this morning for more X-rays and IV fluids. The X-rays are still clear. She will come home tonight, and if nothing changes - the vet will do exploratory surgery tomorrow morning to rule out a hidden obstruction. Please send out your healing thoughts for our sweet girl and keep your fingers crossed that we will not have to do surgery. All this on top of Star's impending whelp next week - can it get any more stressful in my house!


Dawn said...

Poor girl. I hope she is OK and doesnt need surgery, but it seems you are on top of it all. Healing prayers for her.

Claire said...

Sending best wishes and prayers for Jill

Taryn said...

Sending healing thoughts Jill's way. Sure hope she doesn't need the surgery.

Debra Lloyd said...

I'm sending all my good thoughts your way that everythings goes well and you have healthy puppies and mom soon.

Debra said...

Poor baby! Sending good thoughts your way.

Holly said...

Praying for Jill here in NY.

penni said...

I hope Jill is okay. Laura, that sounds like Phoebe's symptoms when she had Pyo a few weeks ago. No fever, but didn't want to eat or drink, threw up, a little lethargic. Her eyes told me something was wrong -- they weren't focusing properly. I hope that's NOT what's wrong with Jill -- but wanted to share the info.

Jeri said...

Ohh poor Jilly! I hope you can figure out the cause and get her well. Big hugs.

coopercreek said...

Laura, Sending healing thoughts and praying that she's okay. Laura

RegentCardis said...

Poor Jill. Sending healing thoughts her way.