Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sad News

It is with a heavy heart that announce that our little boy crossed the rainbow bridge at noon today. He rallied yesterday and seemed to be coming around but began to falter in the evening. He went down hill fast over night. We knew we were in trouble when he stopped nursing and mom started pushing him away. We tried everything we could, but sometimes mother nature knows best.

The good news is that the other pups are THRIVING - fat as pigs and noisy as all get out. Their eyes should be opening any day and then the fun will begin. I just wonder how long it will take them to learn how to climb out of the whelping box.

I co-own Jill with Shirley H. and this litter is hers. The theme for this litter is the letter "Y" - The names Shirley has come up with so far are Yum-Yum, Yogi, Yorick, Yancey, Yippie-ki-a. I came up with Yo-Yo, Yin/Yang, Yahoo and Yankee Doodle. We would love to hear any ideas that you all may have.


Sharrie said...

I am so sad to hear that you lost your little puppy. Just because you say it must have been "fate" doesn'† make it any easier. Glad to hear hat the others are thriving.

penni said...

I was pulling for the little guy and so sorry he didn't make it. I like the names "Yesterday", and "Yana" which is a Russian river. "York" ia also a nice strong name.

coopercreek said...

So sorry to hear about the little one. I'm glad all the rest of the puppies are doing great. Wow, that's a lot of Y names to choose from.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I know just how you feel. :-(

There is alway Yani :-)

Dawn said...

Sorry your little guy didn't make it. Have fun picking names for the others. We waited until personalities started coming out and wow, now I am sorry we usen Siren-she is an alarm. Enjoy the puppy snuggles.

Holly said...

I am so sorry about the little boy. *hugs*

Janet said...

Scout votes for Yum Yum as that was her original name. Aunt Janet says be prepared for her new owners to change it!!

Sherilyn said...

So sorry to hear you lost your little's never easy. Hugs!

There's alway Yoli or Yasmin, too.

RegentCardis said...

Sorry to hear about the little guy. Having lost a pup with each of my litters, I know how you feel. I am glad to hear that the rest are going good. Keep up the great work!