Ever had one of the days....... Well, here is how my day went. It started with a screaming headache. I managed to pull myself together and get myself to work. That took some doing in that we have a small, 2 bedroom house. I had 2 week old puppies and Mom in one bedroom, a bitch in heat in another bedroom and an intact dog in the den. After arriving at work I sat down at my desk thinking I could close my door, draw the blinds and meditate that darn headache away. But nooooo....We had a surprise visit from the Chairman of the Parole Board (the head of our dept.). The Chairman, who is very gracious and caring person, walked into my office just as I was about to take a big bite of my sausage biscuit. He decided to make a surprise visit to talk with the line officers to ask what the dept. could do to make our jobs easier. While I really appreciate this - I was totally caught off guard and with a screaming headache - could barely say my name. I managed to get through our conversation and only hope I did not sound like a blithering idiot. Then I run home for lunch only to find a war zone. I don't know what happened, but I had to clean up poop in 1 room, a destroyed doggie bed in another room and another room was in complete disarray. Our dogs are usually very well behaved, I don't know what the heck caused this. So much for lunch. Back to work - thank goodness the headache meds finally took effect - however, the side effects of the meds are not always the most pleasant. But by days end I was feeling better and headed home. When I arrived I open the back door and I was met with this........
Yes, A HUGE black widow spider - face level - I nearly fainted! I am a pretty tough cookie but it's a toss up as to what scares me more snakes or SPIDERS! I managed to kill it, but now I feel all itchy..... Yuck - glad the Cardi's picked up on my stress and have been really cuddly. However, tomorrow - a few of them will be snoozng in their crates.