Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Exciting Week

WOW - this is turning into quite a week!

First - My good friend and dog show buddy, Janet, has invited me to go with her to cheer on her lovey girl Scout at Westminster. I have been to Westminster before and love the excitement of the "big show" . The only drawback is the hotel expenses - Yikes - NYC hotels think very highly of their rooms! Now I have to get cracking on selling some stuff on e-bay!

Second - Jill is in season!!!! Woo Hoo - Shirley and I are busy getting everything arranged to get the "shipment" from her intended - CH Grangefield Montgomery (Monty). Monty is a lovely blue boy that should compliment Jill quite nicely. Of course, we do have a back plan or two - Y'all know how things go...

See Y'all

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I've been tagged!

Heidi tagged me - Here is the 6th photo out of my 6th photo folder ....

Here is Star as a puppy - Yes she is sleeping in the food dish.

Tag to anyone else out there that wants to play along!